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Third International Workshop 2008

Ordering Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides

October 5 - 8, 2008, Augsburg, Germany


Conference Venue


Group Photo 

Invited Speakers
(with Abstracts)


Poster Session



Travel Information


SFB 484

Institute of Physics

Invited Talk

Mark Jarrell (Cincinnati)  
The Phase Diagram of the Two Dimensional Hubbard Model   

The cuprate high-temperature superconductors hold great technological promise.  Non-perturbative, massively parallel simulations have played an essential role in developing an understanding of these materials, from establishing the viability of the most basic cuprate model, to the inclusion of realistic effects such as lattice vibrations, and disorder.  New hybrid parallel codes make it possible to calculate the phase diagram of the Hubbard model and explore the effect of higher order bond spin correlations.  A fuller understanding of these realistic effects may lead to the development of better superconducting materials.

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[ 21-Apr-17 ] [ http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/sfb484/Augsburg2008/abstracts/jarrell.shtml ]